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AVI-School 2024國際美語村夏令營因疫情升溫取消辦理, 本週開始辦理全額退費!

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AVI-School 國際美語村2024夏令營感謝您們的首選及支持!

截錄自網路媒體 “報導者 THE REPORTER”
2020年春節前起,台灣疫情也國際接軌進入了超過3年口罩荒、隔離悶、快篩怕、封境懼的 COVID-19 新冠疫情期,有很多人失去了至親,但也同時學習面對全新的生活態度跟一起繼續前進的方式! 

雖然我們可愛又睿智的國人們似乎有著已經在與疫情共存的信心及方式,但是記憶猶新的畫面再次一一浮現眼前! 經過這個週末兩天煎熬的關注與評估後,我們還是必須決定AVI-School 國際美語村2024精心規劃的三個梯次各12天的美語營隊全部取消,以確保各位家長的寶貝未來之星、有可能的未來台灣之光在預測的疫情高峰期間減少不必要的健康風險,也希望體驗營隊學習的品質不會在健康受影響的風險下勉強進行! 我們將開始安排在未來的一週將已繳費的全額退費! 並同時在 AVI-School 國際美語村下次推出的任何活動享有超值VIP優惠以感謝您們的首選及支持! 

雖然疫情再起,但如我們都能繼續好好的配合政府的所有防疫措施,相信很快我們就能有機會再次讓您們體驗 AVI-School 國際美語村精心準備的未來課程及活動!  再次深深的感謝, 期待與您們再一同前進!

敬請電郵回覆您的匯款帳號資料, 校方將儘快完成全額退款程序,造成您的困擾及不便敬請原諒海涵!

Dear parents and students,

Greetings from AVI-School American Village International Institute 2024 Summer Camp! We sincerely appreciate your choice and support.

Quoted from the online media “The Reporter” 1, since the beginning of the 2020 Lunar New Year, Taiwan’s COVID-19 situation has been almost synchronized internationally, entering a period of over three years marked by mask shortages in the beginning, quarantine, fear of rapid testing, and border closures. Many have lost their loved precious ones during this time, but we have also learned to face life with a new attitude and to continue moving forward.

Although we seem to have confidence and coping mechanisms for coexisting with the pandemic, vivid memories one after another still resurface. After careful consideration and evaluation during this very challenging weekend, we have final decided to cancel the meticulously planned three sessions of the 12-day English camp at AVI-School American Village International Institute 2024. This decision aims to reduce unnecessary health risks for your precious future stars and potential lights of Taiwan during the predicted peak of the pandemic. We also don’t want to compromised the quality of the camp experience due to the potential health risks. Refunds for the full amount will be arranged within the next week. Additionally, any future activities introduced by AVI-School American Village International Institute will offer you special VIP discounts as a token of our gratitude for your continued support and preference.

Despite the resurgence of the pandemic, if we all continue to cooperate with the government’s preventive measures, we believe that soon you will have the opportunity to experience the extensively prepared future courses and activities at AVI-School American Village International Institute once again. With our most sincere gratitute, and we eagerly anticipate our reunion soon!

Please e-mail us back your wire-transfer bank account information for your full-refund as quickly as we can!  Sincere apologies for all the troubles and inconveniences!


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